Friday, October 14, 2011

Anger Isn't Healthy!

I had to learn that lesson the hard way this morning! I mean I was pissed off today. I won't go into detail because it will make it worse but let's just say I was really pissed. Instead of being angry I decided to just let it go. A lot of people would say really I would have lost my mind or really gotten pissed but hell I got to the point when I realized it wasn't really worth getting that pissed off over it. Why waste my time? See here is the thing, I wouldn't say don't release it because that's worse. Just take a couple of minutes to let it out then just let it go. Wasting time on anger is just that. My advice is this, vent for a couple of minutes and then let it go. It's not worth blowing your top forever and losing all your marbles over something you can't do anything about. If it's something you do have control over then here is what I say, do something about it then let it go. Bitterness is not a feeling I would want anybody to hold on to. Just let it ride after you vent all your frustrations.

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