Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another Weekend!

I'm here to just say that I had one hell of a week and I'm not just saying that I really did. But this go around I'm going to be really stressed because I have to do some extensive research and plenty of mailing and writing. Don't get me wrong I love to write but I have to find some work and update it and it's going to be something else I tell you. But in the end it's all worth it because I really been doing this for years and it's really a strain to get so much done last minute so thank God it's ahead, I just have to get my editing on.

So in the meantime to relax me I shall listen to some old school and watch some home movies.

Friday, February 12, 2010

New Look!

What do you think of the new look? Yeah I went over the top this time didn't I? Well it expresses my mood at the moment which is abstract and very creative and full of light. I think I'm going to stick with this template because I love colors. Guess that's why I love the Arts so much but still I mean can you just believe this gorgeous layout come on!! 

I want to give the readers something to be in awe over not just some dull spot that is black and brings down the mood. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do. Ready for a fun ride in the land of blogging? I hope so because I am! Okay back to getting some graphics done and enjoying the web, just wanted to make sure that you all got a great peep at my new blog layout. Enjoy and like always, In EVERYTHING you do make sure it's inspired by and filled with love. 

Three Day Weekend!

And isn't it great?

I mean I have a day off Monday but the good part is I have everything moving along well and I think by next Thursday I will be completely settled. That's the hardest part about moving to me is getting settled in. I got a lot of reading done in time but I also caught up with the news and things of that nature. You know how you have to get everything rebooted? That is why I am so grateful that there are easier ways of moving now. You got to transfer things and all that other stuff to where it can be annoying and those who move a lot like I did know what I mean by moving can be headache.

Also I got a chance to catch up with an old friend and you know it's great to hear everyone I mean everyone is okay and doing outstanding. Because if anybody knows me they know I hate bad news and I also hate to hear others enjoying someone else misfortune so I cut that out right from the get go.

I have been studying the Bible as of late I know I been lacking in that and it was my fault. I put too many things before what's beneficial and that was just wrong. I'm not the perfect Christian and don't claim to be but I'm getting back into things and this time I have to keep up with it. Good things have been happening due to me keeping on the right track. Hey, you don't honestly think my blessings came just by sitting on my lap.

I can't wait to enjoy a long relaxing romantic weekend. I mean who wouldn't 3 days of complete rest!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010


It's a process but I love my new place I really do. I just couldn't get over the fact how peaceful it is and I just can't get over the beauty. Now I just need to get rid of some people that are giving me pounding headaches I mean who can stand a constant headache? I know I can't so instead of popping pills I will just rid myself of the causes of my pain and suffering. 

Okay who really is sick of the drama of the news and the lies twisted all over the place? I AM so what do I do? Turn off the television and pay no attention to gossip sites that are vicious in nature. I mean why get myself riled up and upset? That would be stupid on my part so why not kill the stress and drama and just stay away from the foolishness right? Alright! 

Anyway, I took it upon myself to get my things together and I decided to read some books, some old and some new but I made it my business to take a read of some children classics and one book that took me only one day to read? Well it was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 

Nothing like the Willy Wonka film but the book is more detailed and sorry but the songs the oompa loompas and the singing in the film were more entertaining! Can I say even the visuals were more entertaining? The creativity my goodness just over flows. But seriously there's nothing like reading the book I would suggest all parents get with their kids and read the book and see the film I mean the message is very telling.