Friday, February 5, 2010


It's a process but I love my new place I really do. I just couldn't get over the fact how peaceful it is and I just can't get over the beauty. Now I just need to get rid of some people that are giving me pounding headaches I mean who can stand a constant headache? I know I can't so instead of popping pills I will just rid myself of the causes of my pain and suffering. 

Okay who really is sick of the drama of the news and the lies twisted all over the place? I AM so what do I do? Turn off the television and pay no attention to gossip sites that are vicious in nature. I mean why get myself riled up and upset? That would be stupid on my part so why not kill the stress and drama and just stay away from the foolishness right? Alright! 

Anyway, I took it upon myself to get my things together and I decided to read some books, some old and some new but I made it my business to take a read of some children classics and one book that took me only one day to read? Well it was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 

Nothing like the Willy Wonka film but the book is more detailed and sorry but the songs the oompa loompas and the singing in the film were more entertaining! Can I say even the visuals were more entertaining? The creativity my goodness just over flows. But seriously there's nothing like reading the book I would suggest all parents get with their kids and read the book and see the film I mean the message is very telling. 

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