Monday, October 14, 2013

Guess Who's Back!

Where Have You Been?

I know I have been gone for a while but I have a great reason. I have been working on several projects and when each day passes I get more and more excited about them but I had to buckle down and get everything together piece by piece. For writers out there you know it can be difficult to buckle down when things are coming at you left and right. If you're a creative junkie like me it's worse because you have problems sleeping at a decent hour because those ideas hit you at any  moment. You have to make note of it and work on it until your eyes can't stay open anymore. I know I said some of the projects before and they were supposed to be done a while ago but you know what? I got things ready and it's in the final stages and it's something I know MJ fans would enjoy. Once the final draft it's ready I'm looking forward for you guys stamp of approval. 

Well no need to worry I will be back posting more often just I had to take time out to buckle down and make sure my project was on point. I didn't want to be like the rest! I had to make sure it stood out from the others and had my signature flare and I also wanted to polish my craft. Yes, I have been taking steps to improve my freestyle compositions. Many may not know what the hell I'm talking about so let me break it down. I've taken the task to assign myself to improve my writings each style by working on different genres such as Horror, Comedy, Psychological Thrillers and letting people edit and critique and I must say I am damn proud of my work. Of course because it's mine but I'm proud because other loved it and appreciated it at face value. It's nothing like an honest critique to keep you encouraged to do your very best. After seeing my own horrid work from the past writing in anger and emotion I just thought it was time to improve and not do things on impulse and take the advise of my mentors and those who are well seasoned in my art. 

Until then everyone!!! 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Princeton Gates Is Sure To Keep You Tuned In!

Will You Be Watching?

You read that correctly, a new television show is coming our way and it's nothing like we've ever seen before. In fact, it's drama with a twist! I know when most of you hear teen series the first you think of is either Gossip Girl, 90210, or maybe Degrassi? Well this time drama has a new address and it's over at Princeton Gates.

Well what we have here? Well we have some familiar faces being that once again we have a Jackson/DeBarge union. No it's not what you think, it's not another marriage. What we have is talented kids bringing you another side of high school I don't think our own parents could imagine. Two Musical Dynasties come together and bring their acting chops to the television screen.  Jordan and Bobbie DeBarge along with Randy Jackson Jr. are adding another talent to their repertoire and by looking at the trailer alone, it's going to be a hit. A few tweaks here and there and you're going to see a side of Cali that is anything but typical or average. Affluent privileged kids taking over a California high school and life like never before. You have the Jock, The head cheerleader that runs the school. The popular girl and all that comes with it only turned up a couple of notches. You think you've seen it all when it comes to dramatic teen shows? Think again. Check it out above and tell me what you think.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Wade Robson Accuses Michael Jackson Of What?

Are You Kidding Me Right Now?

So I was home doing my normal routine then I hear that Wade Robson accuses Michael Jackson of molesting him. Now when news first broke, this "man" claimed that it was suppressed memory. Now he's saying no, it's not suppressed memory. Either way, I think he's lying and it's not just because I'm a Michael Jackson fan. He's lying already about his claim that's supposedly is sealed. This young man damn, he can't keep his story straight. Then you tell me that this "man" had a revelation after a mental breakdown? Now, being a victim of child sexual abuse; there is no damn way I would feel any kind of compassion for a man that did that to me. Let alone invite him to my wedding. Or testify under oath that nothing happened. That to me is outrageous! Do you hear me? OUTRAGEOUS!! One thing that should have set people mind off is that he's never saying he's telling the truth. He constantly says, "His Truth!"

Then what about this?

There are always 3 sides to every story

His Side
The Other Side
The Truth

Then people are calling Wade brave? Are you kidding me? What is brave about waiting years after the perpetrator died to say something and then try to make money? When you file a lawsuit, especially [when it's too late to file] a creditors claim you want money!

  • Money can't heal the trauma
  • Money can't bring any justice
  • Money will however, make a person do crazy things, especially when desperate
 The man [Michael Jackson]  can't refute the claims because he's deceased. That's what I a call a coward! Now if he feels "his truth" is the truth, I hope he's searching for a Criminal Defense Attorney because there is a little charge that he's about to face soon and it's called Perjury! This is not a child we are talking about here, we are talking about an adult! An adult who owes his citizenship let alone his career to Michael Jackson. I hear he's fallen on tough times and needs the money. I don't know what it is but if he thinks his "coming out" (no tea, no shade) is going to encourage anybody or he's being a voice for abuse victims, he's sadly mistaken. In order for me to believe this dude he's going to need more people. Not the Neverland 5 that was torn to shreds by Jackson's legal team in 05. Name one accuser of Michael Jackson that wasn't after money? What makes Wade worse is that Jackson treated this young man like family. His mother and sister emphatically denied any wrong doing and now Wade and Chantal are trying to play the world for idiots. Not going to happen to me on my watch.

There are too many videos of this man doing tributes to MJ, defending MJ and he was at the Memorial Service breaking down as if he was the widow.

I mean if this don't take the cake I mean wow!!
I could have sworn his attorney advised him or he got the memo when he testified even when he filed this creditors claim it says clearly Wade, I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. So I'm sitting here astonished. Then he had the nerve to say that Michael's fans need an education on sexual abuse? Well victims don't look for money when they were actually victims! Oh HELL NO! If those employees are such upstanding citizens why didn't they call a cop when they seen these actions sir? Oh that's right, they were too busy getting paid by tabloids and doing media rounds. So Wade if what you're claiming is true, why not sue the Neverland 5? They said they saw this and heard things, wasn't it their responsibility as adults to protect and watch over you as well? If I seen anything that heinous performed on a child, you better believe you and me, that their asses would have been kicked before I called the police. No way in HELL would I
  • Search For A Civil Attorney
  • Look for how much I could get from a financial suit
  • Do Media Rounds in hopes of a settlement
  • Extort the Perpetrator
  • Accept Money
  • Fire a Criminal Attorney because they were seeking Justice instead of Finance
  • Try To Win The Court Of Public Opinion
  • Return to the scene of the Crime
  • Publically defend a fiend.  
In fact, your claims Mr. Robson to me I think it's totally  mind boggling because you got so annoyed with Ron Zonnen's cross examination that you said yourself under oath, "I'm telling you nothing ever happened. I think something like that would wake me up."
Jackson's attorney, Tom Mesereau said in court,
Mesereau: You're aware of the allegations in this case are you not?
Wade Robson: Yes
Mesereau: And are you aware, as you sit in here today, that there's been allegations that Mr. Jackson molested you?
Wade Robson: Yes
Mesereau: Mr. Robson, did Michael ever molest you at any time?
Wade Robson: Never. No
Mesereau: Mr. Robson, has Mr. Jackson ever inappropriately touched any part of your body at any time?
Wade Robson: No
In fact you also stated that it never happened when asked about your crotched being grabbed or being in the shower with Jackson. So now you expect me and the rest of the world to believe your claims now? Are you kidding me? Are you SERIOUS?

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Nicki Minaj Covers ELLE Magazine!

You read that correctly, rapper and American Idol judge Nicki Minaj will be the May cover girl for Elle Magazine and she looks flawless. Like the headline reads, Nicki will be Unzipped as she opens up about her life, career goals and how she dealt with bullies. Nicki has made the headlines over the years and now with her firing her glam squad and seeing her personality shine on Fox's hit talent show, everyone is dying to know what's on Nicki's mind.

Love her or hate her you know what it is when you hear the name Nicki Minaj. She is one female MC that commands respect when she walks in the building. When you look at her career you can only say WOW. Now Nicki is everywhere it seems, I went to Macys doing some fragrance hunting and there is her perfume Pink Friday. An entrepreneur and a force to be reckoned with but it wasn't always that way for the multiplatinum artist. In this issue of Elle Nicki is going to explain her ups and downs and also give advice to women out there building their brands. I have to say that Miss Nicki is a breath of fresh air and I'm happy to see another young lady out there taking her field serious and showing love to her fans whom she affectionately call her Barbz. People you must pick up the issue but until then let's look at a few teasers from the magazine.

On Dealing With Bullies


“I went through a lot of bullying early on. Girls made my life a living hell.” “We had come to America from a different country. My brother and I had accents. It was very tough. So I’ve always put up this wall — it was a self-defense mechanism growing up — because I was almost expecting people to attack me. And I still have it. It’s sad.”

Nicki’s Goals:

“My goal in the beginning was to buy my mother a house.” “Now I realize, Okay, if I really focus and become a key player in business, then I can build an empire. I’m thinking of a legacy that I can be proud of and wealth that my grandchildren can use to go to college. So world domination — in terms of providing for my family — is absolutely my goal.”


Nicki's View On Respect

“My advice to women in general: Even if you’re doing a 9-to-5 job, treat yourself like a boss. Not arrogant, but be sure of what you want, and don’t allow people to run anything for you without your knowledge. You want everyone to know, Okay, I can’t play games with her. I have to do right by this woman. That’s what it’s all about.”

Mark the date and pick up the May Issue Of ELLE on newsstands near you! You can download the magazine for your mobile device or smartphone as well. Much Love to Nicki being gracious enough to give one of her realest interviews yet. We will definitely be watching to see what Ms. Minaj will come up with next.

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year Means New Beginnings!

It's the first Monday of 2013 and I must say that it's appalling that I haven't posted to this blog since November of 2011. That is a shame on my part but I am going to tell you the hilarious reason why. Get ready to laugh at me but I'm being one hundred percent honest with you. I totally forgot my password and I got locked out of my own account! >_<

Happens to the best of us don't worry about it right?


At least this will be the final time you hear Happy New Year. Seriously I have been so busy that I haven't thought about remembering until it hit me that I kept a journal of my passwords just in case I happen to forget. I do this because after I have been hacked by a loony I constantly change my password. I mean this is something I do a lot, because i haven't been the same since that incident. If I can describe how horrible it is to have your privacy violated then I would have  written a book by now. Anyway, so today is going to be prepare and grind time because I'm on overload. I mean I have so much to do but at least I have a lot of time this time because I kept my resolution so far as to being more prepared and keeping a Notebook and planner in hand. I know a lot of you say well use your devices but I'm still old school. If I don't see it in my face I'm going to forget. I check my Notebook, Planner, then it's Miss Tech time because my alerts are blaring and that is somewhat of a second reminder. 

What have I done in the year I've been away? WORK WORK WORK!!! I lost my grandmother over the past year which really sucks but I made it through and my little brother starting driving! Yes, he has a car and everything and he's wait for it... 18!!! Okay ladies don't get any ideas, he's still my baby brother I don't want to have to go H.A.M on anybody. Seriously all jokes aside,