Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Are You Kidding Me?

So I happen to be just about ready to get these cards done and out the way when I just realized that my printer was out of ink. Wow, talk about not thinking ahead, but it's okay once the order comes in it's going to be back to business. For those that don't know yes, I'm a Graphics Wiz as well. Great huh? Anyway, I have so much to do as of late. I was just taking a break after hours of doing some print work for Apple who is launching a tablet today. Can we say shopping frenzy? Thank God I'm just doing logos and things of that nature. Once I get the pictures and some highlights from the event I will post it here shortly because as I said before, I'm a technology fanatic and it's interesting to see what Apple has to offer now. Yes, I love MACs and gadgets yes call me a nerd WHATEVER!

Anyway, while I was taking a much needed break I was checking out my twitter, facebook, and other social networking accounts and then I got addicted. Yes, I'm not afraid to admit I'm addicted to facebook's game apps from zynga. Cafe World, Petville, Farmville etc. Yes I'm just addicted to them because it keeps my head clear when my eyes start growing weary. I do occasionally live chat with friends or potential customers. I have caught up with some of my old high school buds from time to time and don't think I'm avoiding many of you just that, I been so caught up in work as of late, that I just haven't found the time to just sit back and relax and actually say hi to each and every last one of you.

Tomorrow and Friday are going to be two complex days for me because I am going to be not only working like crazy but also moving. Tomorrow I'm going to be working like nuts but I am celebrating the move by going out to dinner with my family. We love Friday's so much so why not hit it to T.G.I.Friday's for a great meal and to enjoy getting away from it all? I mean it's the most fun I'm going to have until Friday because that is when I'm going to be running around finalizing everything and getting all the things out of my old place into the new. Now Friday night is going to be awesome because we are going out to my baby's favorite diner Johnny Rockets. Now that is where the fun is going to begin. Not only that I have to get things for an extra room meaning more flat screen televisions, Blu Ray disc players and much more. I just can't wait I'm so excited that. I feel like a kid at Christmas. Only I'm praying that everything runs smoothly!

I know many are asking why did I ask the question Are You Kidding Me?

Simple, because if I had to ask myself some years back would I expect being where I am today? Now that I'm finally content with my life and the things Jehovah has blessed me with? I would simply respond Are You Kidding Me? OF COURSE!!! My goal that I started two years ago is coming alive and I'm also getting a head start on future career goals that I had in mind also. I just can't believe how fast everything is happening. I just really can't and that is a great thing!

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