Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Year!

Yes it's the New Year and how late am I to come in and say that! Well anyway, new year means new game plan and that means no more Mean Girl route. Though that will be difficult because I can name some morons that really truly deserve it I'm not going to go off this time I'm going to be very cordial about it. The thing is if I give them the attention they want then they will feel validated and honestly are they really that important?

Let's see I am happy that '09 is gone because it was truly a fucked up year I have to say that with all honesty. But my patience level has completely ran out. I'm taking more vacations which is a good thing. I got some new projects to show off but hey it's only a matter of time before I do that I got to tweak thinks here and there but you know how that goes.

I haven't been writing in a while but I been so busy with work! I know I should sit down stop and just get my thoughts together but hey, I can't control my creativity it's all over the place at the moment. I did get back into my reading though, I had to stop and give myself a rest because I wasn't feeling too well with the sinus infection but that's better now. I don't know I mean once I get back truly back into the swing of things it's going to be awesome just watch!

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