Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday PARTY!!!

I know you're wondering why party on Thursday? Isn't it usually Friday? 

Well, Friday I will be busy moving and getting things together so NO Friday will be replaced with Thursday. Friday will be fun too because I will be shopping like mad! Why? Just because, my fellow shopaholics can feel me on this one. You know you just have to shop for the hell! You know what I can't stand though? When people try to limit me on it saying it's too much! WHY NOT?

I deserve it after the hectic year I had last year, why not splurge a little? 

Anyway, I saw the iPad and I LOVE IT!! I wonder who else is going to jump on the iPad train. Yeah the price is the same as a Microsoft laptop or desktop but so what? It's APPLE PEOPLE!! Yes, I'm addicted to MAC's I'm a geek so what? I mean there is nothing wrong with that, if you're an idiot and into technology then Houston, we have a problem. Stop laughing I'm serious, but yeah your girl can be like a mad scientist but I'm no hacker so you're safe with me.

Had an interesting insight on myself, I'm over protective and I'm also very open to people. That's not good. I have to be more up on people because I see I can fall target to some manipulators and I also let my anger over throw my thinking at times. I think I should be a little more open minded and that I also should be more logical in my choices.

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