Saturday, December 11, 2010

Holidays Are Coming!

Which means go to the malls and go crazy over the deals and make sure you checked your list a million times making sure everyone has the latest or at least 1 gift. So to be on the safe side I suggest that everybody should just at least give gift cards so when they go out their way to shop everybody is happy because they buy exactly what they want. The heck with all those gift card haters commercials, you save yourself the stress and the awkward moment of running into them returning the gift you purchased and vice versa. I'm just saying you'll be saving a lot that way if you take that route. 

Me personally I came out with a list of what I think is pretty cool. They will make me happy because since I don't celebrate the holidays it's just another day for me. Here is what I think is cool and it's not for budget or anything just me looking at what I think is cool.

Just to name a few tech stuff that I think would be cool, now I'm not the one to celebrate so I will be purchasing these things for no particular reason other than for entertainment and some fun you know. What you think is awesome for the Holidays and what are you into for the New Year?

Friday, September 17, 2010

It's Been A Long Time!

But I am back! I have been busy with projects but I am definitely back. I was wondering what's the big deal with some trends and I fell in love with business. Yes, having your own is something to be proud of. I also have to say its pretty tough trying to keep up with the new things coming and going. In this line of work, everything is fast paced so you're either ahead or far behind. No messing with Mr. In between is a true lyric if any.

I have to say though, for a smart ass fast paced busy body, I did great. One thing I must keep reminding myself is that always stay firm and be very confident instead of cocky!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Name!

I been so focused on the production and features in my magazine that I never took the time to get an awesome name for my first independent issue. Well, after deep thought I decided to just keep the name secret until I unveil the issue. Its what nobody expected and sure to be a favorite among the public. Just so everyone knows it will be an eye opener and sure to keep everyone amazed. I can and will say this much, those who love Entertainment there is something for everyone. No innuendo or hash from a tabloid.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I Know You're Wondering...

Why in the world I posted that old school vid? Well  it brought back some fun memories for me. Some I won't ever forget but hey it was also funny and fun to look at. So  why not share it? 

So far it's a great Saturday, I got a chance to really vent about some things. Why? Well when I put out an assignment I expect it to take a certain direction. When it goes off track when it's not necessary it really irks me and now that I had the chance to vent I can say I feel much better now. I also got a chance to take a mini break from all that work. Too bad I had to be on duty in other areas! 

Well this Sunday I have to take time out to get personal agendas in line. Yes, I agreed to design some birthday Invites and V.I.P passes and I want it to be a blast to look out my god daughter's birthday party is going to be the best Disney extravaganza you will ever witness. Well, if you're invited that is..

Michael Jackson Moonwalker HD

Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Beginning!

So I have some interested in knowing what's going to be so new. Well I have some awesome things in the wings that will be great I promise you. More insight in popular things and some graphics that are sure to appease the biggest fans of Pop Culture, Fashion, Music etc. 

I also plan to make special features soon so just sit tight I have some tweaking to do but hey I have to do what I have to do to make it perfect. I don't want to release half finished work and then leave you guessing if I forget to return to it. Well I have to get going now because little man is waiting so off I go! 

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I almost forgot to mention that I did some kick ass Graphics but hey I been so busy designing logos and doing some Art work that I almost forgot to update my portfolio. Well I will be uploading my work soon so keep your pants on it's coming.  I had a chance to enjoy some films but one film I'm psyched about seeing is Why Did I Get Married Too. That film will be coming in theaters soon but I just can't wait!

Another film I am dying to see is Iron Man 2, Toy Story 3 and the new and they say final installment of Shrek! Yeah I'm such a kid but come on aren't you excited to see these films too? I mean I can't help but get chills when I see these trailers. Two films I recommend are Alice In Wonderland and Runaways the story of Joan Jett with Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning! GO SEE THESE FILMS!!!

Okay I know you're thinking what's up with the title Funny? I think because as I'm composing this blog for you guys to enjoy I'm watching Little Women. Funny Right? I also was cracking up at the episodes of In Living Color that I was enjoying earlier as well. Okay guys enjoy your weekend and have fun!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another Weekend!

I'm here to just say that I had one hell of a week and I'm not just saying that I really did. But this go around I'm going to be really stressed because I have to do some extensive research and plenty of mailing and writing. Don't get me wrong I love to write but I have to find some work and update it and it's going to be something else I tell you. But in the end it's all worth it because I really been doing this for years and it's really a strain to get so much done last minute so thank God it's ahead, I just have to get my editing on.

So in the meantime to relax me I shall listen to some old school and watch some home movies.

Friday, February 12, 2010

New Look!

What do you think of the new look? Yeah I went over the top this time didn't I? Well it expresses my mood at the moment which is abstract and very creative and full of light. I think I'm going to stick with this template because I love colors. Guess that's why I love the Arts so much but still I mean can you just believe this gorgeous layout come on!! 

I want to give the readers something to be in awe over not just some dull spot that is black and brings down the mood. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do. Ready for a fun ride in the land of blogging? I hope so because I am! Okay back to getting some graphics done and enjoying the web, just wanted to make sure that you all got a great peep at my new blog layout. Enjoy and like always, In EVERYTHING you do make sure it's inspired by and filled with love. 

Three Day Weekend!

And isn't it great?

I mean I have a day off Monday but the good part is I have everything moving along well and I think by next Thursday I will be completely settled. That's the hardest part about moving to me is getting settled in. I got a lot of reading done in time but I also caught up with the news and things of that nature. You know how you have to get everything rebooted? That is why I am so grateful that there are easier ways of moving now. You got to transfer things and all that other stuff to where it can be annoying and those who move a lot like I did know what I mean by moving can be headache.

Also I got a chance to catch up with an old friend and you know it's great to hear everyone I mean everyone is okay and doing outstanding. Because if anybody knows me they know I hate bad news and I also hate to hear others enjoying someone else misfortune so I cut that out right from the get go.

I have been studying the Bible as of late I know I been lacking in that and it was my fault. I put too many things before what's beneficial and that was just wrong. I'm not the perfect Christian and don't claim to be but I'm getting back into things and this time I have to keep up with it. Good things have been happening due to me keeping on the right track. Hey, you don't honestly think my blessings came just by sitting on my lap.

I can't wait to enjoy a long relaxing romantic weekend. I mean who wouldn't 3 days of complete rest!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010


It's a process but I love my new place I really do. I just couldn't get over the fact how peaceful it is and I just can't get over the beauty. Now I just need to get rid of some people that are giving me pounding headaches I mean who can stand a constant headache? I know I can't so instead of popping pills I will just rid myself of the causes of my pain and suffering. 

Okay who really is sick of the drama of the news and the lies twisted all over the place? I AM so what do I do? Turn off the television and pay no attention to gossip sites that are vicious in nature. I mean why get myself riled up and upset? That would be stupid on my part so why not kill the stress and drama and just stay away from the foolishness right? Alright! 

Anyway, I took it upon myself to get my things together and I decided to read some books, some old and some new but I made it my business to take a read of some children classics and one book that took me only one day to read? Well it was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 

Nothing like the Willy Wonka film but the book is more detailed and sorry but the songs the oompa loompas and the singing in the film were more entertaining! Can I say even the visuals were more entertaining? The creativity my goodness just over flows. But seriously there's nothing like reading the book I would suggest all parents get with their kids and read the book and see the film I mean the message is very telling. 

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Talk About Nostalgia!

I was just relaxing and I heard Culture Club's It's A Miracle, Miss Me Blind and some Dead or Alive You Spin Me Right Round. I even listened to some Gloria Estefan and was just thinking to myself, when are we going to hear some music that's memorable like that ever again?

Anyway, still getting everything together. I found out my new digs won't be ready until Wednesday and that's okay. I just have to be patient and wait it out! BLAH!

You know something else I decided to do was give my twitter background a makeover because that Serenity theme was waring me down for a bit. I just thought why not give it a fitting theme to the King Of Pop? Hey, it's fun and it was nice and I wanted something new. One thing though I am tired of is the internet bashing. People that just goes off on a person and/harass people they don't know for no apparent reason. Come on people find better things to do and spend your time and energy on.

Saturday a wonderful day and you know I really was digging the Billy Madison film.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday PARTY!!!

I know you're wondering why party on Thursday? Isn't it usually Friday? 

Well, Friday I will be busy moving and getting things together so NO Friday will be replaced with Thursday. Friday will be fun too because I will be shopping like mad! Why? Just because, my fellow shopaholics can feel me on this one. You know you just have to shop for the hell! You know what I can't stand though? When people try to limit me on it saying it's too much! WHY NOT?

I deserve it after the hectic year I had last year, why not splurge a little? 

Anyway, I saw the iPad and I LOVE IT!! I wonder who else is going to jump on the iPad train. Yeah the price is the same as a Microsoft laptop or desktop but so what? It's APPLE PEOPLE!! Yes, I'm addicted to MAC's I'm a geek so what? I mean there is nothing wrong with that, if you're an idiot and into technology then Houston, we have a problem. Stop laughing I'm serious, but yeah your girl can be like a mad scientist but I'm no hacker so you're safe with me.

Had an interesting insight on myself, I'm over protective and I'm also very open to people. That's not good. I have to be more up on people because I see I can fall target to some manipulators and I also let my anger over throw my thinking at times. I think I should be a little more open minded and that I also should be more logical in my choices.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Are You Kidding Me?

So I happen to be just about ready to get these cards done and out the way when I just realized that my printer was out of ink. Wow, talk about not thinking ahead, but it's okay once the order comes in it's going to be back to business. For those that don't know yes, I'm a Graphics Wiz as well. Great huh? Anyway, I have so much to do as of late. I was just taking a break after hours of doing some print work for Apple who is launching a tablet today. Can we say shopping frenzy? Thank God I'm just doing logos and things of that nature. Once I get the pictures and some highlights from the event I will post it here shortly because as I said before, I'm a technology fanatic and it's interesting to see what Apple has to offer now. Yes, I love MACs and gadgets yes call me a nerd WHATEVER!

Anyway, while I was taking a much needed break I was checking out my twitter, facebook, and other social networking accounts and then I got addicted. Yes, I'm not afraid to admit I'm addicted to facebook's game apps from zynga. Cafe World, Petville, Farmville etc. Yes I'm just addicted to them because it keeps my head clear when my eyes start growing weary. I do occasionally live chat with friends or potential customers. I have caught up with some of my old high school buds from time to time and don't think I'm avoiding many of you just that, I been so caught up in work as of late, that I just haven't found the time to just sit back and relax and actually say hi to each and every last one of you.

Tomorrow and Friday are going to be two complex days for me because I am going to be not only working like crazy but also moving. Tomorrow I'm going to be working like nuts but I am celebrating the move by going out to dinner with my family. We love Friday's so much so why not hit it to T.G.I.Friday's for a great meal and to enjoy getting away from it all? I mean it's the most fun I'm going to have until Friday because that is when I'm going to be running around finalizing everything and getting all the things out of my old place into the new. Now Friday night is going to be awesome because we are going out to my baby's favorite diner Johnny Rockets. Now that is where the fun is going to begin. Not only that I have to get things for an extra room meaning more flat screen televisions, Blu Ray disc players and much more. I just can't wait I'm so excited that. I feel like a kid at Christmas. Only I'm praying that everything runs smoothly!

I know many are asking why did I ask the question Are You Kidding Me?

Simple, because if I had to ask myself some years back would I expect being where I am today? Now that I'm finally content with my life and the things Jehovah has blessed me with? I would simply respond Are You Kidding Me? OF COURSE!!! My goal that I started two years ago is coming alive and I'm also getting a head start on future career goals that I had in mind also. I just can't believe how fast everything is happening. I just really can't and that is a great thing!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Year!

Yes it's the New Year and how late am I to come in and say that! Well anyway, new year means new game plan and that means no more Mean Girl route. Though that will be difficult because I can name some morons that really truly deserve it I'm not going to go off this time I'm going to be very cordial about it. The thing is if I give them the attention they want then they will feel validated and honestly are they really that important?

Let's see I am happy that '09 is gone because it was truly a fucked up year I have to say that with all honesty. But my patience level has completely ran out. I'm taking more vacations which is a good thing. I got some new projects to show off but hey it's only a matter of time before I do that I got to tweak thinks here and there but you know how that goes.

I haven't been writing in a while but I been so busy with work! I know I should sit down stop and just get my thoughts together but hey, I can't control my creativity it's all over the place at the moment. I did get back into my reading though, I had to stop and give myself a rest because I wasn't feeling too well with the sinus infection but that's better now. I don't know I mean once I get back truly back into the swing of things it's going to be awesome just watch!